I may consider the Kab mods for my 1200mk5 I found on craiglist.
I believe that the stock 1200 is pretty amazing. When the price is factored in its a great deal. I also have a VPI Prime which is also a very nice table. They are closer than I would have ever thought. I don't have enough listening or cart swapping to make conclusions in my system.
After hearing the two I really doubt I will ever spring for another more expensive TT. When I read some comparative reviews on-line I just think the diminishing returns do not justify chasing anything that will be slightly different or a little better with huge sums of cash. If people feel it necessary or worth it more power to them.
Check out this review of the VPI Prime
He compares it to a $19,000 Basis Signature with Vector 4 tonearm:
Compared to my well-established aural memory of the Basis, the VPI’s overall soundstage volume is more compact, although image placement is excellent. Left-to-right imaging is a bit better than the Basis. The sense of an individual singer being present in 3 dimensions is a little less tangible. The major difference between these two tables, besides the price (the Vector 4 tonearm alone costs about a thousand dollars more than the Prime and 3D tonearm combined) is a small reduction in low level resolution. This most likely contributes to these impressions of the soundstage"
Later he compares them again
"Compared to the Prime, the Basis 2500 Signature turntable offers a warmer overall tonal balance with a bit more low level information. Harmonic trails last just a little longer. Singers have a bit more depth and warmth. These are often the kinds of differences we hear with different interconnects or cartridges, but using the same interconnects and cartridge on both turntables suggests that the Basis is more resolving, as it should be considering the difference in cost."
Again this is not a knock at all on Basis. They are wildly respected tables and I have lusted after them. That being said 19k buys alot of records, live concerts, a car or several vacations.
Then I think back to the Technics 12005mk I just bought for $250 bucks in 8/10 shape with a pretty clean dust cover on craiglist. Then I think yeah I can see why people just by a 1200 and listen to music.