How important is it that all cables come from the same manufacturer?

My cabling needs are (1) Ethernet to server, (2) USB from server to DAC, (3) balanced XLR from DAC to amp, and (4) speaker cables.

All other things being equal, should all cables be from the same manufacturer?

Same with power cords. Is there a problem using different brand cords with different components, all other things being equal?

PS, I know all other things are never equal, but trying to isolate the “mixing brands” issue to assist in decision-making.





Acoustic Zen, Harmonic technology and Neotech is OCC single crystal wire which is the best wire for audio that has been proven for over 40 years and it's not crazy expensive like other companies like audioquest and others that sell OCC crystal wire for very crazy prices, it's all the same wire made by only three manufacturers two in Japan and one in Taiwan, the wire from Taiwan is much cheaper to buy than the Japanese OCC wire and it's all the same quality because it's the same process to make it.

Thanks to all for your great responses.  I have found some excellent and fairly new to market cables that will probably be the majority of my system, but not 100%.  Purchased their power cords and a balanced XLR … immediate sonic improvement over a mix of more expensive cables they replaced.   Also upgraded my Ethernet cable, another immediate improvement.  All is good.  Thanks to all.

Thanks to all for your great responses.  I have found some excellent and fairly new to market cables that will probably be the majority of my system, but not 100%.  Purchased their power cords and a balanced XLR … immediate sonic improvement over a mix of more expensive cables they replaced.   Also upgraded my Ethernet cable, another immediate improvement.  All is good.  Thanks to all.