I have the Townshend Allegri Reference (upgraded from the "standard" Allegri). This was well reviewed by Martin Colloms of Hi-Fi Critic and Raphael Todes of Allegri String Quartet fame, the latter uses the Bartok and found the Reference worked far better for volume control/sound quality. I believe both reviewers now own and use the Refernce in their own systems.
This unit requires no expensive mains lead or support as it incorporates Max's podium style feet, but you could use one of Max's platforms as well.
From my perspective, this is the most important element of my system, and using it is like upgrading all my source components in one go !! It does require a substantial run-in period and benefits from balanced interconnects between pre and power. Martin uses solid state (Naim) whilst Rapheal uses valves - it works well with either - see millercarbon's post above.