How important is the preamp?

I have been slowly working towards a decent system. I have a pair of 1.6 Maggies and an Ariston Audio turntable from the '70s with SME series III tonearm and Grado Red cartridge with a Parasound PPH 100 preamp. I had been using a Marantz 5200 receiver and also a basic Panasonic DVD/CD player. I decided it was time to get a better amplifier and am trying out a Classe CA 201 power amp. I wanted to hold off for a little while before getting a preamp so I am using the Marantz as a preamp. I love the way CDs are sounding but am a bit underwhelmed as far as my vinyl is concerned. Any suggestions please?
In your situation, it might be pretty important. You have to ultimately make that decision for yourself.
If you want the amp, buy it, use what you have for preamp. When you get a decent, dedicated preamp it will be a killer upgrade.
Completely agree with Muzikat... Do you own the Classe or are you just trying it? If you are trying it, you could probably find a quality integrated for the same pricepoint.
When you get a better control piece than the old Marantz, your world will open up.
Get an ARC,CJ, preamp for 7-800 and you will be amazed.Like blankets taken off speakers.Cheers,B