How LONG have you been an AUDIOGONER'?

I can't believe that threads started in June 2000 and before are still going. Boy do I feel old.....

"Best female vocals on CD" 521 Posts, Started 6/4/04.

"Audiogon "RECORDINGS TO DIE FOR" List" 291 Posts. Started 1/14/01.

"Who Is Your Overall Favorite Guitarists" 354 Posts. Started 1/04/03.

"What's On Your Turntable Tonight" 1234 Posts, Started 3/4/04.

Where are all of the the Audiogoner Old Timers?

How long have YOU been on Audiogon?
I've been here since the site started. Once the flamers took over the site I dropped out for a couple of years though. It was unmoderated at that time. When the site was revamped and the discussion forums started to be moderated, I re-registered, although with a different username (I forgot my initial username! Also, I think that when the site was reworked, you had to re-regsiter within a certain time or you lost your previous identity, including posts and feedback comments) So the date on my current name is not when I actually first appeared. It was when I reappeared.

There's been a previous thread on how long people have been around. A diligent search of the archives should turn it up.