How many albums do you need ?

I have a large collection of CDs but still find myself staring at the shelf sometimes deciding what to play next and thinking i need to buy more discs. I suspect that no matter how many you have, you always need more. Your thoughts ... ?
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Buy whatever you are attracted to and think you might enjoy. You can always sell off later if you make a poor decision.

Software is the only reason for buying high end equipment, get enough that you can loose yourself in the joy of diversity that a nice library brings.

I'm an LP guy but if you like CD I would grab all you can while they are available.

Better still, get the "like new" ones at local half price CD stores. If they are not damaged they sound the same and you can justify buying artists that you're less certain of.
Hey it is a hobby, should you find yourself wanting to experience new music or different genres go for it.
However you may enjoy your present music collection all the more if you invest in a convenient and good sounding music server. Viewing the album graphics with speed and ease may have you rediscovering many old favorites and seldom played ones.
Happy listening.