How Many Audiophiles Have Do You Know?

How many audiophiles have you ever met? The people that you've met here on Audiogon and at audio shows don't count. I'm trying to find out if audiophiles ever meet each other by happenstance. I have never been in a casual conversation when someone ever mentioned a hifi hobby.

The only time I've ever met an audiophile was when I was making a sales call in Denver, CO. I was in the lobby of a big real estate broker's office when the owner had his secretary bring me into his private office. As soon as I walked into his office I saw an unmistakably recognizable pair of Talon speakers with a pair of Krell monlblocs, Audio Research Ref2 Mk2 preamp and a Wadia cd player. I complemented him on his system. He was thrilled that I recognized his components...he was even more thrilled that I asked him to fire it up. I looked through his cd's and chose a few selections that I was familiar with. We talked audio for 30-45 minutes before we finally got down to business. Needless to say, I got the account. I was selling an excellent service, but I'm sure that my familiarity with audio sealed the deal.
It sounds like most people responding have met fellow audiophiles through eqpt purchases / sales etc.... but as one poster stated I've never met one audiophile through an impromptu social situation, but then again I do think I need to get out a little more
"I wonder if we have a unique psychology?"

I notice the funny puzzled looks on peoples faces when they see my turntable, tube amps, and speakers. They look at me like I am crazy.

The only other non-dealer, non-equipment person I have met that might in some way be classified as an audiophile (he likes expensive gear) was my sister-in law's boyfriend. He has a nice set-up, MAC, Ayre, etc. but it turned out that he has about 100 CDs and when it comes to music, he knows almost nothing and cares very little about it either. I get him a TAS subscription for xmas.
None, most people I know when I talk about equipment and such think I'm nuts
Dozens; I'm a member of an audio/video club, Arizona's... that I CAN meet other audiofools. We enjoy people such as Roger Modjeski, Paul McGowan, Albert VonSchweikert, Kara Chafee, etc. speak to us and visit places that individuals would never get into.

If you want to meet more, look for an audio club in your area.