How many pair of speakers do you own?

Since I am a self proclaimed speaker nut, I was trying to justify to my wife that having 5 pair of speakers is normal for an audiophilic addict. Curious also about what type, Dynamic, Planar, Single Driver etc; If you are member of this sight, you probably have a mania towards some component or other. Mine is Loudspeakers, which I learned early are 70% of your system. To me they may be >> 80%

In use

8 Pair Indoor
2 Pair In Walls
6 Pair Outdoors

2 of the indoor pairs are in 7.1 setups.

So, 42 total speakers and 2 sub woofers - Yikes!

Multiple old speakers in storage.
Five pairs which I will eventually pare down to the three (the first three) speakers.

Altec 846A Valencia
Quad ESL 57 electrostats
Quad ESL 63 electrostats paired with a Gradient SW-63 (both are in need of repair)
Snell Type J II
Snell Type J III

As for future acquisitions, I may try to buy a gently-used Devore Orangutan O/96 at some point in time.   Once the Big Move from Southern to Northern California takes place later this year and my house remodel is done, I'll be running the Quad speakers with Audio Research or Quad II gear and I've been running the Altec's with my Shindo gear.

The "end of the road" is in sight!
3 pair

Clearwave Duet 6 monitors-presently in use
Tonian Labs TL-D1s_not in use
Audioengine 2 for my computer

All the best,

I have 7 pair, only listen to three at any one time. Main system, office system, and my son has one pair in his system. I will likely buy more some day. It's a little like black tar or crack.