How much hum is normal from a new tube amp

I just bought a great sounding Lab12 Suara KT120 tube amp. The issue I am having is a hum that is coming from the transformers. I can hear it with no music playing faintly from my listening position 12 ft. away. The question is, should I return it, or is this normal acceptable. 


It's down to the electromechanics of the transformer.  These things can be a bit elusive in that the amp might hum less in another installation. But it's still indicative of less than perfect design and manufacturing.

"OP, Good you sent it back.      I would not accept any hum."

                 ^^^^^ What he (et al) said! ^^^^^

I have the integre4 mkI. No hum. Also, unlike the Qualiton A75 it replaces, it does not exhibit sensitivity to emi/rfi in my setup. The Qualiton did.