How much reality do you really need?

The real question to the audiophile  is, “how much reality do you need” to enjoy your system? Does it have to be close to an exact match?  How close before your satisfied?  Pursuing that ideal seems to be the ultimate goal of the audiophile.
The element of your imagination has to come into the equation, or you’ll drive yourself mad.  You have to fill in part of the experience with your mind.
But this explains the phenomenon of “upgraditis.”
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Mahgister, I do not spend my time analyzing you every word. What I can say for certain if you think you can come up with an "absolute sound" system for $500?...... God bless.
+1 erik_squires

If one makes a decision to not listen at "realistic" or "concert" volume one has already decided to "depart reality."

Similarly, I guess, if one prefers to have recordings without people coughing, talking, or ordering a beer.

Is the aspiration for sound in one's listening room really to replicate the sound in a studio, concert hall, or bar?

Or is there some other "reality" one should aspire to?

No; if one always lets the primary focus be the performance.  Otherwise, that search is a constant distraction.