Ah yes ... string reproduction. I feel your pain. This is the most difficult thing for a system to get right ... at any point in the signal chain, and to my ears, it is not possible with the current state of consumer digital at any price.
This weekend, I traveled to Dallas, TX and plugged one of my rigs into a very nice system. It was CD based (nice digital), and the fellow used a Dual 1229 turntable with a fairly pedestrian cartridge. The Dual fed a Hagerman Coronet (Octal tube version) and made great tunes. It was a bit recessed sounding but had great tone.
I'd consider something on the order of a Dual 1229 or a used Thorens TD 125, along with the least expensive Grado cartridge, and one of Jim Hagerman's Bugle phono variants (no financial connection with Jim ... just like his stuff).
What this type of system gets right can't be touched by digital at any price. If you want dynamics and the last bit of nuance, then you'll need something like what I'm doing with my rigs, but for sheer musical bliss, a rig like the above (or a variant) will have you smiling.
Thom @ Galibier
This weekend, I traveled to Dallas, TX and plugged one of my rigs into a very nice system. It was CD based (nice digital), and the fellow used a Dual 1229 turntable with a fairly pedestrian cartridge. The Dual fed a Hagerman Coronet (Octal tube version) and made great tunes. It was a bit recessed sounding but had great tone.
I'd consider something on the order of a Dual 1229 or a used Thorens TD 125, along with the least expensive Grado cartridge, and one of Jim Hagerman's Bugle phono variants (no financial connection with Jim ... just like his stuff).
What this type of system gets right can't be touched by digital at any price. If you want dynamics and the last bit of nuance, then you'll need something like what I'm doing with my rigs, but for sheer musical bliss, a rig like the above (or a variant) will have you smiling.
Thom @ Galibier