Good grief - what an insular attitude and, I have to say, somewhat arrogant as well. I love classical music but the majority of my collection, numbering around 4500, is rock and Prog rock. I am very fussy with regards to the albums I buy, I am not made of money after all. In all that collection, I have perhaps 50 - 100 that I no longer want and would consider selling. The remainder of my collection comprises albums that are in the main excellent with only a few duff tracks. I know exactly what I like and most albums have been bought blind or as a result of hearing one track. I have a current CD "want" list of around 700 albums, all of which I own digitally. I have had to stop listening to new music to give myself a chance of familiarisation of the existing stock. I could easily keep listening and buying as there is no end to new and exciting music.
If you feel that most non classical albums are poor in general, just face the fact that you have a somewhat constricted taste. That's not to say that that is any way a bad thing - just a fact of life. You are tailor made for the digital age - download what you like and don't worry about the rest.