How to clean the exterior of an amp?

I was wondering if anyone can suggest a safe and effective way to clean the exterior of an amplifier. I recently bought a used Aragon amp which looks really old. Is there any way to get the look of a new amplifier. Thanks.
What do you think is on amps exterior that you are tempted in trying to clean off?
If you are talking of dirt and grundge - I use WD40, a small cloth and elbow grease. Do not spray on, wipe on & off. I use this on stainless steel and aluminum - not painted surfaces.
I have chrome finished amps so I can use Brasso (put onto cloth & never directly onto amp). Some elbow grease & the thing shines!
Previously for matt finished amps, I used a damp cloth for simple finger prints, 71% alcohol for greasier marks. Then to finish off, a bit of Pledge on the face plate & 1-2" on the top panel & side panels! Yields a high-gloss finish. Of course, use Pledge sparingly & again put onto cloth & never on amp directly. Avoid the heat fins, vent slots & the rear panel.
I use the rubbing alcohol on a clean cloth as per Levinson gear manuals. It seems to work great and leaves no residue.