How to clean vinyl records

I am new to the vinyl world, and want to know the best way of cleaning records. I don't have a large buget for a record cleaning machine but would like to know the methods that are being used by others on here. Any help would be great .

thanks in advanced 

Steve, I have thousands of Lp's, all of them are nearly dead  silent. I clean them using an Audio Technica brush and a record solution formula that I make myself. I got it from the December 1996 Stereophile magazine. If you or anyone else's  want a copy I will email you a pdf.

Email me at   N at normansizemore dot com


I know this thread hasn't had any love for some time but just in case anyone is looking for answers in the future I thought I'd share a quick vinyl care video I made recently reviewing the products that work for me.

Just getting into youtube, feedback welcome.
The KL AUDIO KD CLN LP 200 is the best ultrasonic machine by far however there are a few less expensive ones that are good as well.Records are the best good luck on your journey.
the best i have tried and still use is the Prelude Record Cleaning system by Walker Audio.