How to filter Audiogon results to Canada only.

I am looking for an amp and preamp but want to buy local. Is there a way to filter Audiogon's search results to my province? Apologies if this thread is in the wrong sub forum.
I have been checking CAM several times a day for a year or more. Nothing has really come up that interests me except for two Classe mono amps and a Classe pre. I am hopeful that some Krell or Pass Labs stuff will be listed but no luck yet.
If you are close to the border why not have it delivered to a town nearby (FedEx or UPS store) and pick it up yourself. You will be opening yourself up to a lot more potential sellers. I have shipped and bought a few amps from Canada and have not had any issue other than one time delay at customs.
I've asked Audiogon several times, and they always agree, that they need to add filters for location, equipment, balanced vs. SE cables, power ranges for amps, push pull vs SE, length of cables, etc. They always say it is a good idea and will get with the programmers but as of yet have not acted on it
You are so right about more sellers but after some feckless shipping staff smashed up a turntable I had shipped here I swore off the delivery of components. The hassle and frustration is just not worth it.