The insurance rider. Plus, most burglars won't know what your stuff is, or how much it's worth. Who would they sell it to? It's a very small community, so finding it for sale in your area shouldn't be hard. Take pictures of the serial numbers, and keep the files.
Also, audio equipement weighs a ton, and is bulky. Can you see some idiot trying to cary out a set of Vandersteen 5a's, or Quad 2905's? How about a Pass, Plinius, ARC or Bryston amp? Probably only the DAC, Disc Player and maybe preamp would be at risk. I have a Cary SLP98p F1, which isn't so big, but some buglar looking at it, would think it was some old thing not worth squat. That's my guess.
Who would they fence it to??
Better yet, a turntable?
I wouldn't sweat it too much.