How to upgrade a nondetachable power cord?

My Conrad Johnson amplifier has a captive power cord.
I have bought a VH audio diy kit to make a new power cord. So, What do you recommend?
- Cut the original amp cable and put a female connector and then plug the new cord
- Open the amplifier and attach the new cord inside the amplifier. This would take a big hole to do it.
Please give some advice
sounds great Alan. Which CJ amp did you do this on? I recently acquired 2 MF2100's with light duty captive power cords.
I noticed while visiting the Aural Symphonics website the other day that they make a special (?) adaptor for just this purpose called the Power Inlet Mod. Go to:

You cut the captive cord short and attach this adaptor. Don't know how much $$, and it's probably no better than Alan's solution.
I did it in a Conrad Johnson MV50.
Cable is still breaking in, Chris Venhaus from VH audio said it will take near 200 hours to get it cooked.
See you