HT room new construction - room treatments, etc
I am building out a basement AV room. I want to devote as much attention to the room as to the electronics, as I am CERTAIN that most untreated rooms completely mask and/or overcome the qualities of all this high end gear we spend so much time and money on. I know this simply from moving the same system into 3 or 4 apartments and/or houses over the years, and noticing the dramatic differences in performance based solely on what's going on in the room. I also know it from playing in a touring rock band for years -the room is far more important than, for example, this high quality amplifier versus that one.
ASC makes a wall isolation system (ISO-Wall) that de-couples the sheetrock from the framing. Benefits are said to include greater noise reduction in the room, as well as prevention of all that low frequency from getting out of the room. Before I invest $2,800.00 in additional building materials and add labor costs, somebody please tell me this stuff actually works as described.
Part II - tube traps and diffusors. Who can speak to the before and after of having employed these room treatments? Was it dramatic? And by dramatic, I mean more so than, say, changing out speaker cables and/or interconnects, because my ears are generally not golden enough to consider these differences "dramatic." (For those who care, the guts of the system will be Anthem AVM-20, Aragon 2007 200x7 amp, and Paradigm Reference matched set of speakers: Studio 100 mains, Studio CC center, Servo-15 sub, etc).
Thanks for the wisdom.
Jeff Warncke