The audio output of my IBM PC creates an unbelievable amount of hum when I connect the outputs to the aux in of my reciever. Anyone have any thoughts or recommendatons?
Many people here recommend the use of an external DAC. This can be achieved if you have a digital out on your sound card (many have this), or via a USB-attached DAC. I will leave it to others who have done it to comment further.
1/8" jacks are a pain ... if your lucky it's the cable. I'd spring for a new sound card with SPDIF out. Most even have optical digital out now and a cheap DAC if your receiver doesnt have digital in. I did it and it worked really well. If the hum is REALLY bad and you dont experience it with powered speakers hooked to your PC ... try a diffrent input on the receiver - ground evrything together and tie it to the gounding post on the receiver. Try a new cable. Make sure your connections on the sound card side are correct (dont plug into the mic-in). Lightly wiggle the cable and see if the hum changes or goes away - your connector on the sound card might be toast if it does.
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