I am Not hurting anything right ??

I have a pair of Sonus Faber Concertinos that have bi wire posts. I have Bi wire Cable but have told NOT to Bi wire these Speakers. so I left the jumpers on the back and pluged in the cable as normal(standard bi wire configuration). Speakers sound great. But am I running any risk as to damaging the speakers?

Best Regards

Regardless of whether or not you use a jumper or not on biwired speakers, you ARE feeding a full-range signal to both crossovers! I agree with the rest, just correcting the oversight....
There was a post here at the Gon about a particular speaker equiped for bi-wiring, but not recommended by the manufacturer. They had equiped so just to please the French market, if memory serves. Anyone remember the post I'm refering to?
Most manufacturers put bi-wire options in because it's good marketing. I've talked to many top engineers at speaker companies and most agree biwiring is just a gimick. If you analyze the circuit, biwiring just makes the sound worse.
I do not agree with you bluesman. I always had better results with bi-wiring (with 6 sets of different speaker brands).
Vandersteen 2Ces, 3As, and 3A sigs. all sound better bi-wired, and Richard Vandersteen recommends bi-wiring. His speakers were designed for bi-wiring. Cheers. Craig