I am venturing into unfamiliar territory.

I have decided to put together a Home Theater system that will be used ONLY for watching TV, and DVD's. I have chosen the Pioneer Elite PRO 1110 Plasma. I need to decide on speakers and a receiver/processor. I am not looking for high end sound. Just something that will enliven the visual experience. If possible I would prefer to go with in-wall speakers. Budget is in the $3000 range for all.
I know that this question probably belongs on another site, but I feel that on Audiogon, I have a frame of reference. Besides, I'd rather hang out with two channel guys anyday.
Well Dr. Rob, as usual..your couch is comfortable. I'm thinking that you could rent yourself out for a small fee.

Hey Rsbeck,

Loved your post.

Analyze this though: In my critical listening audio room, my wife was complaining about all the equipment being housed in a cabinet/rack which exposed everything, i.e. everything showed. Sooooooooo, being a good husband, I pleased her by purchasing her very favorite armoire to house the electronics. Guess what though, several thousand bucks later, the doors to the armoire stay open almost all the time, exposing the equipment for all to see. Go figure.
I have heard KDS in-walls used as rears and thought they sounded very nice. Paradigm also makes an inwall speaker, and although I have not heard them, I can say what Paradigm speakers I have heard makes me confident their inwalls are worth a listen.
>>the armoire stay open almost all the time, exposing the equipment<<

This says, "You KNOW the armoire was *my* idea -- so I've done MY part to civilize this guy -- it's only open because my husband was raised by wolves."
And your wife tolerates it because that's a message with which she is comfortable. It also says, "look I'm a good guy -- I put them in an armoire,
but it's more efficient to leave the doors open than to have to open and close them all the time -- and -- I paid for this stuff, I WOULD like to SEE it once in awhile." A message with which you feel comfortable. So, she's saying, "he was raised by wild animals." And, you're saying, "But, I'm a good guy who's trying." I would bet that characterizes most of our marriages. The good ones, anyway.