Also here. I sold a pair of Dynaudio Contour 60's and replaced them with the Moab BE's. I couldn't be happier. Life is back in the music. The C60s are a music freezer, they kill even Thelonius. The Moabs are open, dynamic, absolutely non-boomy, in the jazz concerts of life you can hear the audience boozing and chatting, the timbre is still not as nailed down as with my previously owned Contour 3.3's but very natural. The piano sounds wonderful and bold, the soundstage is very good (not as precise as with the Contour 3.3 I owned). The Moabs are a 100% upgrade over the Dynaudio contour 60's, that's for sure, no regrets whatsoever. The Moabs are also fantastic to listen to at low volume. But the Moabs don't have the absolutely natural timbre and soundstage of the contour 3.3 of 20 years ago. How is this possible? How much do I have to spend to get something better than the contour 3.3? Shouldn't the technology be advanced? Why does everyone talk about subjectivity? In the field of music this does not happen.... everyone agrees that a Sellmer sounds like it should, the Steinway sounds like it should. Imagine buying a Steinway, you take it home and it sounds bad, you go back to the store and they tell you it's subjective...hahahah! Hifi people must be very special. No... the fact is that musical instruments are aimed at the public, while hifi gear is mainly for lonely people who easily conform to a distorted reality. Anyway, the Moabs are very good, no comparison to the 10K Contour 60.