I'm not a music expert, so I can only give you my subjective answer: The build-up of the rhythms and the timing really caught my imagination -- I would characterize it as an inspired and creative musical construction (as opposed to analytical). Maybe you just need to be in the right mood to let the music carry you from beginning to end. Maybe it's just not your cup of tea. I wouldn't sweat it. Over time, you might like to revisit it and see if it moves you then. The good news is that there are enough musical styles for everyone!
I'm sorry if my I didn't really answer your question about "what is great about it?", but I don't believe I should or could. In my mind, music should either catch you or not. If it doesn't now, it might later. If it never does, so be it. But music is a thing of the heart and soul, not the mind. When my wife and I first heard it, we stopped dead in our tracks and fell in love with it because it moved us. By the way, as much as I love the CD, I don't play it for visitors because I really do think you need to focus on the listening and the journey with this one. Only after many sessions is it a background piece (IMO). Sorry for a bit of rambling there ... happy listening!
I'm sorry if my I didn't really answer your question about "what is great about it?", but I don't believe I should or could. In my mind, music should either catch you or not. If it doesn't now, it might later. If it never does, so be it. But music is a thing of the heart and soul, not the mind. When my wife and I first heard it, we stopped dead in our tracks and fell in love with it because it moved us. By the way, as much as I love the CD, I don't play it for visitors because I really do think you need to focus on the listening and the journey with this one. Only after many sessions is it a background piece (IMO). Sorry for a bit of rambling there ... happy listening!