I have just purchased the latest Sound Lab M1

Will be using Emotive Audio Epifania preamp with primarily analog source[Basis,Vector,Urishi].I am looking for amp recommendations.Open minded.What do you think?Thanks for your time and thoughts!
Some would conclude that my description above in many ways describes the characteristics of an audio output transformer, except for the dc-coupling attributes. In fact, the ZOTL can accurately be described as an ideal output transformer emulation circuit. When I claim that it is OTL, I am saying that the ZOTL lacks the physical item known in the audio industry as an audio output transformer. The physical object known as an audio output transformer is made using an iron-based core that is wound with perhaps a kilometer of magnet wire to obtain the required inductance to couple the full range of audio frequencies from a primary winding (tube side) to a secondary winding to which the speaker is normally connected.

The audio output transformer is a good way to couple tubes to speakers, and makes a lot of practical sense. It is the most economical way to make a tube amp, although I think the ZOTL could compete if made on a high-volume scale. For this reason, almost all tube amps ever made use such a transformer.

But let’s face it, the audio output transformer, with its hysteresic iron core and perhaps a kilometer of wire is plagued by parasitics that adversely affect sound reproduction. The first major OTL pioneer, Futterman, and later persons like Ralph of Atmasphere realized the sonic limitations of output transformers and went to great lengths to find a way to use tubes but eliminate the output transformer. (Apparently Futterman developed his earliest amplifiers with the goal of reducing cost, not achieving better sound). It should be noted that not everyone likes the sound of the OTL amp and some prefer the output transformer coupled sound.

For many years I made transformer-coupled amps, and I am very familiar with the sonic issues of these amplifiers. Almost any amplifier will sound good on reasonably well-recorded music of the pop and jazz variety. But I worked very hard to make some of my difficult recordings sound right. These were still well recorded, but the music itself was difficult to reproduce convincingly. One of my test records was Shostakovich String Quartets on L’oiseau-Lyre DSL011. I struggled with this record for years. I could tweek one resistor this way and make one instrument sound right, but another instrument would then sound wrong. The first ZOTL I built was soon put to the test with this record, and suddenly all of the instruments were reproduced correctly. My output transformer based amplifiers were suddenly obsolete in my mind.

The point that I am making with all this is that the audio output transformer is a sonic filter that while some prefers having it, there is a reduction of reproduced transparency particularly at the frequency extremes. Both traditional OTL designers like Ralph and designers like myself who come up with a new way to beat the colorations of the output transformer have the common goal of integrity of the sound reproduction. In my view, an amplifier that eliminates the audio output transformer, both physically and in sprit, falls into a class that is simply known as the OTL amplifier. In other words, either the amplifier has an audio output transformer characterized as described above, or it doesn’t. The sonic attributes of the ZOTL and the traditional OTL amplifiers are far more similar than different, although differences can be expected based on speaker matching.
Yo Ralph.
Dave did say something like that but what was meant was that the least this amp is, is an OTL, the least it is! So that people can get a little grasp, because it's not output transformer coupled, so then what is it???

Having a transformer that does not operate at audio frequency or anywhere near it, is not a audio output transformer, as Dave has pointed out above it would compare to your power transformer, then if that's the case neither of our amps are OTL's !

After all, this technology is to over come all of the OTL's troubles, as noted in your posting, with the Futterman as well as with many other OTL's but with keeping all of the positive sonic attributes of an OTL.

You have to remember Futterman came out with the OTL in 1954 and his primary reason was for cost savings, he eliminated the audio output transformer because they were costly and he had access to tubes so he could load up the thing with a zillion hot tubes, now Dave's invention does away with both the audio output transformer and the Zillion smoking hot power hungry tubes, just because this is so radical, does not make it an output transformer coupled amp, or anything else other than an invention of tube amp technology with responsibility suitable for modern times.
So that people can get a little grasp, because it's not output transformer coupled, so then what is it???

Why don't you call it what it is? An amplifier coupled by an RF transformer, bypassing traditional output transformer problems? Instead of making up stories about how a transformer isn't a transformer- sounds a little like the Emperor's New Clothes after a while.

That children's story is not just for amusement- it was devise to teach to children how a story can be made up merely for purposes of looking good, or failing that, not looking bad. And what happens when you see through the story.
Oh Ralph.

We're not making up stories, we're telling it like it is, our patent is available for all to see on our website.

There are those that understand it and those that don't, simple.
You'll have to sort out which side of that understanding you are on then. So- by you: a transformer is not a transformer and semiconductors are not semiconductors.