I have just purchased the latest Sound Lab M1

Will be using Emotive Audio Epifania preamp with primarily analog source[Basis,Vector,Urishi].I am looking for amp recommendations.Open minded.What do you think?Thanks for your time and thoughts!
So that people can get a little grasp, because it's not output transformer coupled, so then what is it???

Why don't you call it what it is? An amplifier coupled by an RF transformer, bypassing traditional output transformer problems? Instead of making up stories about how a transformer isn't a transformer- sounds a little like the Emperor's New Clothes after a while.

That children's story is not just for amusement- it was devise to teach to children how a story can be made up merely for purposes of looking good, or failing that, not looking bad. And what happens when you see through the story.
Oh Ralph.

We're not making up stories, we're telling it like it is, our patent is available for all to see on our website.

There are those that understand it and those that don't, simple.
You'll have to sort out which side of that understanding you are on then. So- by you: a transformer is not a transformer and semiconductors are not semiconductors.
A transformer is a transformer, a audio output transformer is something else, As I said before Ralph, there are over 2 dozen transformers in these amps and not one even comes close to being a audio output transformer, if you can't understand that, what else can I say man.
Sure is a interesting thread; for me it is pretty simple on the OTL definition; If the input signal flows only off the output tubes and goes to the speaker output jacks then to me the amp is OTL; if there is a transformer in the path it is not OTL.