Mdomnick, the phase invert on my preamp was set on reverse (for a reason). Sure enough, when I switched back to normal, the trumpet player on the Sting DVD, as mentioned above, came through the right speaker (which is correct). The reason I switched the Invert to reverse in the first place is because an audio dealer told me that the preamp I am using (a modded Musical Design SP1) was designed such that the signal is inverted and for best results I should wire my speakers out of phase. Rather than wire the speakers out of phase, I simply inverted the switch on the preamp. The dealer told me that in order to make the gain path as simple as possible, the design of the SP1 eliminated a stage that causes the signal to become inverted. I have not done any follow up to see if this is actually the case. I simply took his word.
Who would have thought this silly question would have generated such a dilemma??!! 2chnlben
Who would have thought this silly question would have generated such a dilemma??!! 2chnlben