i'm having a problem with digital brick wall mastering

sam here and my problem is simple? all the digital albums that i download have a lot of brick wall mastering applied and it make the audio sound distorted and lifeless? i was able to find an allpass filter that removed the brick wall mastering however for some unknown reason after the brick wall mastering was removed the dynamic range is now too high on average 8db increase and i have to reduce the digital volume to prevent clipping. also now the audio sounds to analog like with all the digital sound gone? it’s like vintage vinyl on steroids? is there a filter that can remove only half of the brick wall mastering. all my digital audio now sounds like a live studio performance?
o.k i got an answer that sounds logical to me however that doesn't mean it is logical? i was told that because digital audio is bit perfect when i run the audio through the allpass filter even though the volume level is set to zero so no processing is taking place just the fact that i'm running the audio through the filter will create maybe a 1ms delay so the audio no longer lines up perfectly with the original waveform so a new wave form is created as if the brick wall mastering had never been applied.this would explain why all the distortion i was hearing is gone and the increase in dynamic range with a more open sound stage.so as a test i ran metallica death magnetic digital album which has a dynamic range of ( 3 ) through the same allpass filter and the average dynamic range after processing is (15) so i have to decrease the volume so the audio doesn't clip.
Delay should not make any difference unless filter does something else to reduce peaks.  At this point we don't know what this filter does, but if it works then use it.

yes but when the audio sounds very distorted you know it's been compressed