I just sold my classD power amp that produced 140 and 300 watts at 8 and 4 ohms, respectively. I have speakers that are : 4 ohms producing 92dBSPL and 6 ohms producing 87dBSPLBat 2.83 v input!
I listen at low levels in a 12’x14’ cave to jazz and chamber music
No tube gear ; I live in So Florida! integrated amp would be great!
Larry, see Mike at Suncoast Audio in Sarasota. He is extremely knowledgeable and has a nice showroom to audition. I believe he carries some of the brands you are looking at. Good luck.
Not sure what’s going on but I have noticed way to many threads started that seem to be filled with nonsensical gibberish that are not asking anything.
Got a Peachtree 150 Nova beautifully designed articulate great sound and vocal clarity much cleaner low frequency response even out of a bookshelf speaker
the volume control needs to be moved a lot to generate changes -different from prior vol controls but I understand their design .
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