I'm pretty excited about my new room i'm building

I am fortunate enough to be getting kicked out of my dedicated audio space 12’x16’x9’ to make space for the kids to have separate rooms .I am remodeling a stand alone building on my property.The dimensions are 16’x24’x9’ with 10"thick cement floor.I am open to either treating and painting the floor or a floating pergo style floor ( no carpet ) with floor rugs .the walls are drywalled 2x6 construction insulated with redwood board and batten exterior, above the ceiling is insulation with open attic area(which I could add more insulation). As a few of you know I am fully off grid and generate my own power thru solar and gen backup into large battery banks then inverted to my house etc.The only furniture per say will be three reclining chairs etc .I will transfer a lot of my treatment panels and add more as needed. Also I will be trying to set up a humidity and temp control for this room when not in it, I was thinking 60deg 60% humidity .thoughts?
Any tips or thoughts are appreciated .
Thank Ray

I still will have my home theatre setup which is pretty nice in the house also so i’m stoked .
Im in very rural California redwoods ,visitors are no an everyday occurrence ,so my pool ,dart and pingpong skills will be good lol

viastat sat., its my only option other then Hughes net .Its the main reason I have hesitated to start tidal etc.I have direct tv sat .and sat phone through viastat
I have there top plan with going commercial its not great 
Before you coat/seal/paint etc...the floor, go on this company's web site "Sani-tred". I don't sell it or work for them....just an amazingly satisfied customer. Product was applied over 10 yrs ago. PM me if you want to know specifics of my experience. I also loved building  a dedicated listening space (unrelated to the Sani-tred project). Enjoy this journey! Also helping a friend with planning his own dedicated space. So many decisions! All fun. As Maxwell said, "Pure Adrenaline."
Ray, I'm also on Viasat and DTV. Viasat oversell their systems capacity. Been with them since Wild blue days! Only options Hughsnet or Viasat. What kind of downloads speeds can you get? That has been an adventure of its own! The price we pay for seclusion.