It will be no great loss for me not to read your posts because unlike many many contributors to this site I learn very little from reading your questions and what's worse I have been offended by several of them. Some of your post seemed designed to divide people and cause argument. Baiting people into argument. It's unneeded.
What's worse is some of your recent threads if read by young people who might be into good music and good sound and who like all sorts of great current pop, rock, hip hop and R&B and rap are going to take a look at your threads and some other threads on this site and run in the other direction. I have been ashamed to read some of your recent threads and have considered leaving this site because of them. I am sure there are others who feel the same.
It will be no great loss for me not to read your posts because unlike many many contributors to this site I learn very little from reading your questions and what's worse I have been offended by several of them. Some of your post seemed designed to divide people and cause argument. Baiting people into argument. It's unneeded.
What's worse is some of your recent threads if read by young people who might be into good music and good sound and who like all sorts of great current pop, rock, hip hop and R&B and rap are going to take a look at your threads and some other threads on this site and run in the other direction. I have been ashamed to read some of your recent threads and have considered leaving this site because of them. I am sure there are others who feel the same.