I need a good looking and good sounding speaker ....

I currently moved to a different apartment and my stereo system and TV are in the middle of my living room. 
My Aerial 10Ts are 25 years old and while they still sound great - they really at this point do not look very good.
I also have an Aerial CC3 center channel which looks OK but is quite big and bulky...

I live in a Manhattan apartment and have ppl below me and above me - 

Anyway - I am considering the following speakers:

- Sonus Faber Nova 2 - look and sound great - not cheap
- Sonus Faber Nova 3 - look and sound even better - not sure I need the extra bass - expensive
- Totem Tribe Tower - in black they look OK - surprisingly sound very good for their size - won't break the bank to buy them
- Aerial 7s - look great - never heard them - was thinking of trying another brand after having Aerial for 25 years.

Any opinions if in a small space in Manhattan - the Nova 3 would be an overkill ?

I have decent electronics - ARC LS25 mkii - Pass Labs X250.8 amp - and a new Marantz receiever for home theater.


Take a look at Gershman Acoustics Grande Avant Garde.

Beautifully finished, great looking, exceptional sound, great reviews


BTW - with Gersnman speakers the excellent frequency response down to 22 Hz translates to better bass - not "more bass"

Regards - Steve
I have had a pair of Focal Sopra 1, 2 and 3 in a Manhattan apartment. The 1's and 2's work great. The 3's were too much bass.
I have a pair of Joseph Audio Perspectives in an NYC apartment.
Sound and look great. Compact size. Will work great with your amp.