Although speakers can work with a goodly number of amps, how well, or just how, is another matter entirely. Was price a consideration here going for these new SET amps? Because there are SET amp, and then there are, yeah, SET amps. As with all amps I suppose.
If… as said, all is well with amp and speakers, and all was checked out technically to confirm this, the existing truth has to be the amp is not optimal for the speakers. Certainly not on those levels or areas you would prefer.
So something has gotta give to get the toes tapping again.
I briefly heard the Adagio monitors pushed by Carey 50 or 60wpc (?) tube amp and being a devotee of bottom end response, was left lwanting, but for what it all was, it did sound pretty decent.
I’ve also heard the AZ floor standing versions of the model mentioned here being pushed by EAR 100wpc amp with Frankenstein Pre. Gorgeous looking speakers, but I came away feeling they needed more power to sing. It was a nice, pleasant sound but just not provocative. I did easily see a lot of potential with the Adagios… or the next step up, the Creshendos. Their finish alone was stunning. Some sort of glossy burled (?) antural cherry. Lovely indeed.
Moving on to another variety of SS sounds like a very good idea too. Which one is always the worry or concern. If any of the current SET’s performance has entertained you, despite the electronic short comings, I’d say look into hybrid amps which use a limited amount of tubes plus SS power. If possible.
It would not be merely another SS amp, and not truly all tube power, but would be different than previous power yet enable the control and extension those adagio’s need or at least, seem to enjoy..
If sticking with tubes is now an interest, look into PP amps with 75 and above watts.
Lastly, I was impressed by the bottom end the EAR glass amp produced pushing the tall floor standing glossy Adagios. Very impressed. I’ve always felt the Isoclean power conditionining detracted from the overall audition, but that’s just IMO.
Very good luck on the next step.