The chances of anyone having your exact setup are slim. Furthermore, just one component difference can be night and day in sonic presentations between otherwise identical systems.
With that said, I'd like to toss into the ring, the Audio Tekne speaker cables and interconnects. Audio Tekne is mostly known for their outrageously priced and good amps and preamps. However, their cable prices are more than reasonable and easily the best I've heard.
My runner-up recommendation and what just may be more beneficial for your particular system with that line conditioner would be the insanely INexpensive Speltz Anti-cables and Anti-ics. The Anti's are amazing performers. Especially when one can outfit their entire system for about $200 to $300.
With that said, I'd like to toss into the ring, the Audio Tekne speaker cables and interconnects. Audio Tekne is mostly known for their outrageously priced and good amps and preamps. However, their cable prices are more than reasonable and easily the best I've heard.
My runner-up recommendation and what just may be more beneficial for your particular system with that line conditioner would be the insanely INexpensive Speltz Anti-cables and Anti-ics. The Anti's are amazing performers. Especially when one can outfit their entire system for about $200 to $300.