I need some high quality Printed Circuit Boards Made (DYNACO ST-70)

I would like to find a manufacturer that can make high quality printed circuit boards, I was getting the from a company in the North-East but they haven't been able to provide them for me...........I have a copy to go by.......THANKS


Here us a vendor with 2 different blank boards...




Well I'm still working on it, but American manufacturers want 2000.00 to do the drawing to make them, they can't copy my board......I bought 20 from Serbia and it will take over a month to get them, I do hope they come at some point........Its crazy that I can't find anyone who can make them without the special drawing.......We built a B-17 in about 3 hours and I can't get a printed circuit board to build my amps...........My supplier in MA. let me down and keeps telling me he's going to get them but they never show up, and I been buying from him for 30 years, he's getting like me TIRED.............It would be really nice if America would get back in the game, but I won't see that in my life.........Its the Covic generation   (spelling ???)


I guess you meant COVID, anyway, I hope that you find a good reliable supplier soon. You make a wonderful product for a very reasonable price. I've always wanted one. 

Roxy: I won't build a inferior amp, I'll quit first and all my great customers will suffer because they can't buy that amp they see on the internet that's all hand built a perfect working amp and it's something for there system that's good and proper......My customers are just regular people and that's who the amps are for.........I am so surprised that this board deal has turned into what it has, my supplier for 30 years has tried to buy a cheaper board, save money and pass it off to me and then give me something that is supposed to be better that is poorly made, ground loop problems, bad traces and expects me not to notice it's junk.....I built up 5 of these boards, they are no good and I won't use them......So that's the problem in short......I can't find anyone to make or sell a proper board.....I  would buy the Dynaparts board but I can't get the supply and he wants 3 1/2 times the price as I have been paying......THANKS   W


I'm completely out of my element here, but you are sort of well-known at least by name in the industry, so what if you called some of the boutique manufacturers and enlisted their help and advice in finding a solution? I'm thinking of Nelson Pass, because he's very friendly or maybe the guys at Coda.

There are probably many others that have ideas about a supplier who could make these to your spec. because they've had to shop for the same thing at some point.