I NEED YOUR HELP with a turntable purchase

Hello Everyone,

I need your help with my first high end turntable purchase.
I will be purchasing in May.

I am looking for a really good turntable for my system. I am not sure which way to go. I checked out a Spiral Groove, and so far I really like that one, mainly for it's no nonsense approach and the ease of use. I have also heard about Basis, SME. SME seems to get really great reviews and their owners really seem to like them. I don't quite understand the significant upcharge to US customers though.

my budget is around $15-30k, hopefully including tonearm and cartridge. i could spend a bit more if necessary. i am NOT necessarily looking for the most expensive turntable, but I want the most bang for my bucks. The phone preamp will be Audio Research Phono Ref2.

the rest of my system consists of:
Preamp: Audio Research Anniversary Ref 40
Amps: Audio Research 610T
Speakers: Wilson Audio Maxx 3
Digital: dCS Scarlatti stack

I would appreciate and help you can give me.

I have been using Avid TTs Volvere and now Sequel SP since 06. If I had your $$'s Id be looking at an Avid Acutus Reference. Add SME V and one of the many high end cartridges and you would have one of the best setups available. No one combines the qualities of a suspended and non-suspended table like Avid. Ad great engineering, workmanship and ease of set-up and use and the decision is easy in my opinion.
Hi there,

I have a Final Audio Labs string drive with Naim Aro, also Garrard 301 & 401 and various arms including unipivot, air bearing and gimble. I would not recommend any of these and many of the suggestions above simply because I believe your main criteria should include ease of set up. My recommendation would be the SME combo because its performance is unquestioned, they have been around for years and will continue, and most importantly they are easy to set up. As you know from the gear you have, system synergy is a key for satisfaction in audio and the SME combo ensures this. The new 20/3 would be worth considering as it is the best bang for buck of the range and should allow plenty of change for cartridge experimentation.
SME 20 or 30 is just to "dead" sounding IMHO. Yes they have the blackest background but no life to the music. The Yorke designs are simple and have PACE but because of Yorke mandating the use of his own arm they lack detail and focus and I'd never get another Yorke, no support either.
A 301 with appropriate arm might just be your ticket to nivana.
So SME and Simon Yorke are no good. This is the biggest bullshit that I ever heard on this forum. And Walker is garbadge too, no doubt.
I like the Oracle Delphi Mk VI with a Graham Phantom arm that I've heard with a Zyx Universe cart...it's on the lower end of the stated budget, but sounds fantastic to my ears.