I think some cables are just a little too expensive.

A while back a shop I did business with carried Transparent Audio Cables. They were so expensive it was obscene. They did sound good, but you had to move up from the bottom to the more idiotically pricey models to start to feel the magic. It had been several years ago and I wanted to check in on my old friends at Transparent Audio. This is their top of the line speaker cable. Now if you don't have a problem with this whole cable thing, this might push you over the edge. I can't imagine a speaker that would need such a cable. Wilson? Rockport? What amp? You can buy a nice luxury vehicle for the same price as a pair of speaker cables? Nelson Pass would be embarrassed to see these monstrosities on one of his amplifiers.

I passively bi-amped a pair of Nautilus 802’s and I ran Transparent Super’s to the mids and tweets and Transparent Plus to the woofers. Used 2 Pass Aleph 5 60W pure and I mean PURE class A single ended. Problem was the channel powering the woofers were doing 90% of the work. So I’d swap them out once a month. To be honest it really wasn’t worth the trouble and I’ve got 2 amps drawing 300 watts idle.(to be honest, I still don’t think bi-wiring does all that much, if anything) So yeah I used more moderately priced Transparent cables. I was really loyal to one shop and that’s what they carried. I bought a used Transparent AES/EBU for $500. My DAC and transport(Micromega) had 3 possible interfaces. So I found the cheapest coaxial, and I mean cheap. No shield and the diameter of a Q-tip. Plugged both of them in. The $500 110 ohm vs. a coax Best Buy would be embarrassed to sell. I spent 2 hours bouncing back and forth and couldn’t tell the difference! I would bet none of your guys would either. So either Micromega pulled some stunt to save money on the receivers or... I used to think there’s a lot of speaker companies. Now the audiophile world is inundated. And more than any other product we deal with, more money doesn’t mean better sound. Just my opinion.
Hey tablejocky. Are those self powered speakers. If so, yeah you could do without $65,000 cables. I've never heard of them. How much would a pair set you back? Or is it if you have to ask...
The more people we allow to amass wealth, the more these type of products will come to exist.

WE...who is we?...am I part of WE or you are going to classify who is WE?
ALLOW....I am supposed to ask you for permission?
AMASS....like steal?...or hard work?

what are you...some kind of a local commissar ?
I figured we as the fading middle class were the WE. If you are not in the we, you are either a billionaire or wish you were. We as a society allow folks to amass billions while we are taxed into oblivion and the nation crumbles. My conscience won’t allow me subscribe to unfettered capitalism that enables one person have 1000 million dollars.
I will confess - I just upgraded to Transparent Reference interconnects and speaker cables.  And I do remember years ago, prior to my first Transparent cable purchase (Super interconnects and speaker cables), thinking that this was a ridiculous amount of money for cables.  But I had listened to a complete system I was buying, and decided to go with everything I had listened to, including the expensive cables.

A year or two later, I tried the Transparent Ultras, and they were a shockingly big improvement.  So I upgraded (with full trade-in value).

This upgrade, to Transparent Reference, was because I also upgraded to Rockport Avoir IIs.  I upgraded the cables for two reasons.  First, the speaker designer (Andy Payor) recommends Transparent Reference when the Aviors are reviewed.  Also, I believe they are wired internally with Transparent.  I was trading in Transparent Ultras and got full value on the trade, or it wouldn't have been affordable.  (Full disclosure - when I listened to the Rockports, they were actually wired with Reference XL,  but that was way out of my budget.  I 'settled' for Reference.)

I really can't see ever going any further.  As expensive as the Reference cables are, they are worth it (to me) for this level of speaker.  But after the Reference level, Transparent's price curve gets really, really steep.  And the Rockports may well be my last speaker purchase.  Short of winning the lottery!