I want more from my Rega P5

How can I get more from my Rega P5? My expectation of a modest analog rig exceeding a digital set up is left unfilled. I bought the Rega P5 new with a Dynavector 10x5, a Dynavector pre amp amd Chord Cameleon Silver plus interconnects and put it on a Rega wall stand. I will buy the TT PSU soon, to assure myself I am giving this format a chance. Any advice will be gratefully received.
Have to agree that with the comment that the Dynavector 10x5 and P75 combination is a little lackluster. Used both with a Nottingham Spacedeck. I preferred a more dynamic stage (a Plinius Jarrah)with the 10X5. In your case, a good low output MC (Denon, Dyna, Lyra, Shelter etc) will probably be a good move. The denon carts would be an inexpensive option.
Be sure that you have broken in and set up everything correctly. Phono stages and carts can take a long time to break in especially if there are transformers involved. Start by reading the TWL thread on Rega arm setup (Forums: Strange Tonearm Tweak. Long). Search the other threads as there is an incredible amount of good info among the prognostification (swatin' flies & tellin' lies). "Phono Burn in" & granite audio and reverse RIAA stuff is worth reading etc etc....

Verify VTF & VTA of your arm. Groove tracer arm weight, Cardas (or better)tonearm cable, Funk Firm platter (or others) are other possible upgrades as you need them.

Cartridge wise, if after you check everything and you still want more and you are now knowledgeable with cart setup, try the Denon DL-103 or Dl-103r. "Start with the Dynavector p75 set at 470 ohm, 60db..... great midrange, like a poor mans Koetsu slightly less lush, koetsu may have a touch better flow and romanticism, but I think the denons bass is probably better". Experiment, if needed, with the other p75 settings until you have dialed in the best sound.

There is plenty more gold to be mined at the P5 level

Enjoy your music!%!$!
I would put in wanted ad for Wallytractor allignment tool.Expensive but you know yoiur on mark.Another option that ain't cheap is one of the Ginko Cloud isolation polatforms.Yes a lot of money for acrylic and some lacroisse balls (actually softer) but in Stereophile Fremmer showed who with acclerometer it killed vibes.Maybe a wall mount from traget taht will fit it.Your can do a lot but you could aalso buy a VPI Scout plinth and motor and use the arm you have and get the VPI arm later.Sold Rega and know what your going through.I bought a P3 and hadn't had a table since I was in High School in early 80's (a B&O) and once i heard my PS with a goldring within a fe months I bought a VPI Aries and a decent Grado.Lo'ts of do- dads though like Michel weight etc.But rmeber dollar for dollar your goiung to hear more of the cartridge and phono sectiuon than you will of the table and arm.Might try the new PS Audio GCPH.Has amazing amount of flexiblity and then when you want you can send it Underwoodwally for a hefty makeover/EAR 834 pre used fro $750 will get you tubes and Mitch Singerman can get you a nice NOS 50's/60's tube and re-wire it.Nothing wrong with your brand of cartidge but might not be the one you wanted.Save up and give yourself a thrill.Cheaper the Grado Sonata at $500 ,$750 for HO MC with Sumikop Blackbird,$850 for Shelter 501 (that's what I'd go for) and on and on.P5 is OK but then don't know much about it ,P7or P25.Know that the P9 is as good as it get's if you want a hard ,fast sound but that's quite a bit more.For it ability tyo ad on to a Scout would allow you to 1)addsignature wirring 2)get Scoumaster plinth sandwhitched on 3)add SDS speed controller 4)step up top beter plater and bearing and ad outter clamp ring.But hey for all that just plonk down on a Scoutmaster after you have goten you cartridge and phono stage in order.I believe so much in rig I am going to sell my "he manZ" Extended Aries ($5500 list) to the Scoumaster or Blackknight and use 9" arm (buy a fe extar tubes one extra at least for a mono cartridge),get a Shelter 501 and the SDS plus Gingko platforkm.Only tough one is PS for $1K new or an Aesthetix Rhea for $2500 used.Amp to be chose based on if I keep my $7500 German semi horns.But this analogue rig will not embarass my speakers or any amp up to $3K.Check out PS phono and Hagerman $1500 phono if you could swing it the EAR used if not.Bottom line is it may not be your table but the crat and phono section that need atention befoe you spend on the P5 which you may find is all that you need with maybe a few modest ad ons like a counterweight etc.

I had a huge improvement in sound by placing my TT on a maple platform. For less than $75 my sound went from good to where I cannot stop listening. Admittedly, it was already way better than any digital I have heard, but I suspect your Rega will also benefit tremendously.

Shoot me an email and I will forward you some photos.
