That’s an incredible acoustical design science project you have done to create an incredibly nice looking and no doubt Great sounding listening room. The massive doors are impressive. Choice of wood paneling also very impressive. As well as every single thing else.
What a treat it would be to visit this room. Yes updated pictures as you mentioned in your virtual Area would also be nice. I’m trying to get the nerve to post pictures but I’m shy. Maybe if I upgrade my speakers I will do it. I Think I am happy with everything except my speakers which probably are really good but I I think I could do better, and I have to decide if I want to keep them because I hate giving up speakers. I just received a bunch of telefunken 5965 nos tubes and maybe I’ll hear something interesting. One of the primary problems is I really can’t leave my house due to some mobility problems so hearing other systems is difficult. I know what sounds good but I just have nothing to compare to so something out there may actually be better.