I want to talk to Wyetech Topaz's owners

I read so many good things about Wyetech products and considering Wyetech System. I would like to talk to Wyetech owners? Thanks, GerryM5. My system is listed online.
The Topaz is a truly great amplifier, however I, and my buddy Chris (Nutella) ultimately got rid of it due to (our opinion of course) lack of emotional connection to the music, no matter what preamp; IC's; etc. Also compared it to many other tube amps- one example that we connected to more emotionally is the Art Audio Jota- while obviously not as 'neutral' as the Topaz, it gets at the gestalt of the music with more full-bodied tonality. However, that being said, depends what you are after. I have yet to hear as SET tube amp that nails the front-end transient of the note with more visceral attack than the Topaz- strings were superb- YRMV of course...
I've had my Topaz 211c for just over a year. Its taken this long to fully appreciate it. I have listened to the Berning zh270 I have along with some restored classics on hand: Citation II,Futterman, Marantz 8b,5's,quad II and more. Each of these has its qualities:the classic Marantz and Quads more like the Jota mentioned above. The Berning with the limitless/tightest bass and the Futterman with the uncanny cut through the haze clarity albeit a bit grainy.

I have difficulty with slow and syrupy so the typical SET does not entice me. There are few that can match the attack of the Topaz and maintain the integrity of the holistic image in space. Being a Canadian, made the choice easier as well. This amp should be a monoblock and I imagine if Hebert didn't get so many chassis made up before hand it would be...At 100+lbs It's too heavy and too big for one chassis. A real un-SET like SET. I can see why those enamoured with traditional SET sound or the rhythm and pace of a inarticulate presentation would not like the Topaz. I'm sure something will displace it sometime, however, after running through a whole bunch of amps including some very high priced current production OTLs this amp will be around for a while. It's to bad it is not more widely available so more might be able to appreciate it.

To my wife, my audio buddies & myself my Wyetech Topaz B with Svetlane SV572-10 output tubes is much better in every respect than the Art Audio Jota amplifier with KR VV32B output tubes.

In 2001 I purchased the Art Audio Jota based on a rave review in the Absolute Sound. At the time I had a VPI TNT turntable with Memorial arm, VDH Grasshopper cartridge, CAT Signature preamp, Reference 3A Suprema speakers with modifies Dahlquist LP1 crossover & Lumley M100 mono amps driving the Suprema's seperate bass cabinets.

Even though it has been well over eight years ago I still have all of the above equipment except for the Art Audio Jota amp that was sold in 2001.

Unless everyones ears have gone bad since then, there is just no comparison between the two amplifiers (Topaz winning hands down) on the same equipment with the same output tubes.

Joe Fretas of Art Audio told me that the Jota was designed to be used with the KR 32B output tubes that I was using.
I have owned my 211M's for mono block, for about three years. I have found no fault with them and cannot imagine changing them out. It is 36 watts so plenty of power and the way it controls the speakers is amazing to me. First time I heard it, I asked the seller to hold them for a couple of days so they could be listened to with different music and some other frame of mind. Went back, listened, and bought.
A friend of mine who makes speakers as well as being a good audio tech and been in the business for decades says he hasn't heard the like. I am in the north bay if still interested in listening.
Have the Topaz #22 with 211 output tubes with Audio Note Transformers since 2009.
The amp with it's 18 watts replaced my ML 33s.
To some it may sound silly that the 18 watt set replaced the ML 33s but to my ears the Topaz played more musical and had better control with my Maxx II.