I would like some feedback on a int. amp

I need some ideas regarding a smallish sized integrated amp. It needs to be around 100 watts @ 8 ohms and offer a remote control. I say the physical size should not be bigger than 17” wide and 5-6” high. The depth isn’t too critical. I will be looking on the used market and have about $1000-1500 to spend. Phono is nice but not essential. I am interested in the follow brands but have never listened to any of them: Musical Fidelity, Vincent, Sim Audio YBA, Naim, NAD master series, Classe or Creek. I have monitor speakers and listen to jazz, American songbook, classical and some blues. The room is 17 X 30 X 8’ and we don’t blast the volume. I like a smooth sound with tight bass and a nice soundstage with front-to-back imaging. What are some of your favorites that I should check out & thanks in advance.
I cannot imagine that you need 100+ watts of power with 89db 8 ohm speakers, if that is an accurate measurement.

You did not say you listen to disco, metal or a lot of rock.

I recommend asking goners to recommend a good quality tube integrated of about 50 watts (or less with a good power supply and transformer) ... something like the Rogue series, the Prima Luna, or the VTL it-85.

What led you to give this list of solid state amps big consideration?
Just another vote for the Pathos Classic One. I'm using two of them with Sonus Faber speakers. A great combo. They are fine integrateds. Highly recommended.
tube amps tend to take up more real estate than I have to offer and the 100 watts gives me freedom to select other speakers down the road. I guess 80 watts would do too. What I'm looking for is a musical amp with a big soundstage. I've read good reviews on the amps I listed but I rather get opinions from owners.
The musical fidelity will drive your monitors. See if yu can swing an old 308 at 150 horsepower feels bigger. I hated it with my analytic speakers but for a PSB it would work well . It is muscular. The 3.2 CR is a smaller versioin with 129=0 watts I thing but has nothing near as muc current. However it can esily hanfle booshelf duties. The classe as my friend says sounds like it suffers from anemia, I don't think it's quite that bad and have n old pre hi end era Classe preamp. The newer stuff sings. I liked the old Plinius 8200 plenty of punch but I hear have quality control issues.
I am obligated to give you it's the amp not the watts lecturwe. I bet you will find more pleasure in a 30 watt pure all class A amp Musical Fidelity makes one that is sellingg with very big discounts into tour range . Than a 200 watt no current, no real substance, radio shOCk amp. I heard 30 wPC tube amps by DeHaviland YestrdaY driving moderately large sized and only Modertely sensitive floorstanding Alons. There was no do difficulty in filling a big room. Send me an email for some specs.