1A Speakers 1b PreAmp 1c Amp = Primary sound Characteristic of your system.
2a Primary Source (Digital or Analog)
3 Spk Cables, IC's Power Cord. (Address weakneses above if any)
4a Power Dist
4b Power Cond if needed, some set ups sound great w/out.
5 Room Acoustics and treatments
6 Sit back and Enjoy the fruits of your labour. Tweak as necessary but enjoy the process and let things settle in a good while after any major upgrade.
Your ears will need to reaclimate to the changes,... some take a bit of time to bear fruit. Best to you!
2a Primary Source (Digital or Analog)
3 Spk Cables, IC's Power Cord. (Address weakneses above if any)
4a Power Dist
4b Power Cond if needed, some set ups sound great w/out.
5 Room Acoustics and treatments
6 Sit back and Enjoy the fruits of your labour. Tweak as necessary but enjoy the process and let things settle in a good while after any major upgrade.
Your ears will need to reaclimate to the changes,... some take a bit of time to bear fruit. Best to you!