buy duet 350s they are great, I've got 2 bridged in mono to do biamp on ML Request there is no need for great power and only the performance II will outperform it, I would even put duet everywhere for the home cinema if I had the space...
But I can't, no offence you've got a great system, superb loudspeakers but classe Amps are not transparent and precise enough for the utopias, nice for surround though...
Trust me get a 2 duets 350s and bridge them, it would kill any krell, Mark levison or anything that I've heard any day
my 2c if it's worth it!
PS: you are lucky to have a palette I'm looking for one now, it is a joy to use particularly when it is required -:)
But I can't, no offence you've got a great system, superb loudspeakers but classe Amps are not transparent and precise enough for the utopias, nice for surround though...
Trust me get a 2 duets 350s and bridge them, it would kill any krell, Mark levison or anything that I've heard any day
my 2c if it's worth it!
PS: you are lucky to have a palette I'm looking for one now, it is a joy to use particularly when it is required -:)