I recently purchased a pair here in Australia and while I would tend to agree with the "lean and neutral" comments above, they are some of the best speakers I have heard. I have tried them with eveything from Vintage EL34 Valves through to 100 wpc Class A and Mark Levinson ML333. The true ability of the Usher AC_20 seems to be it's ability to reveal what's upstream in the Audio chain. As a tool for evaluating components, they have few equals, in my opinion. Yes, they will be time consuming to set up correctly and definitely do not play well in inferior company. But, when you get it right, the rewards far outweigh the effort. I believe the BE Series is a step up again, but the AC-20 is proving to one of my best audio purchases in 20 years, not to mention an absolute bargain even at retail prices. Just my 2 cents worth ... but there's so little online about these, makes me wonder if I have the only pair in the Southern Hemisphere !