If Audio bug never hit you, what hobby might have?

OK so I am bored and curious.
I always wanted to try RC high performance airplane clubs,
but my disability doesnt let my neck move anymore (hard to fly model airplane if ya cant look up!) Although this hobby costs a ton more than the RC flying would, but I bet some have a ton into all their stuff too. OK so there it is lets see if this thread can "Take Off"
I'd get to drive a new car! After 7 cars in 8 years I've had the same one for 4 years now and it's 12 years old! And... I might even have a few more mounts on the wall.
I would have added more computers to the already bourgeoning network of routers, hubs, servers in my house.
I love Language. I love diaries, letters- biographical and autobiographical material. I love all forms of verbal and non-verbal communications, and it has always been an interest and pursuit of mine, even I have never really put it into any official form- hobby or profession, and even as I havent any real aptitude for it. I love social histories- cultural studies, even those that have to do with work place environments. Where do people fit and what language do they use or must they use in their position and in that place. That sort of stuff interests me, is as close to what a hobby is for me. Music is a form of communication and audio is communicator, and so its not difficult for me to see what my interest in this might be beyond my interest in a more "capable" system, or the lust I have for audio gear in general.
My other hobbies are riding my road bike, going to dog training class with Lucy, my Jack Russell puppy and occasionally picking on one of my guitars. I was in a situation a couple of decades ago when I did not have a proper room for a good audio system and I played my guitar a lot, wrote songs and did home recordings.
Think about it 'reeds. How many times have you read where someone wrote how much they love "this amp or that cable". And how many wives or girlfriends have said "when are you coming to bed?" only to hear "right after this song...two hours later". Now I'm not saying audio has replaced sex, just that it gives me much less time for "drug-induced" sex.;))