- Weather Report, 8:15 tour, New Orleans Saenger Theater. JACO!
- Stones, Exile tour, Tuscaloosa. Martha Reeves & Vandellas opened, then Stevie Wonder (4 mos prior to Talking Book). $7.50 admission.
- Pink Floyd, Dark Side, 2 mos after release (they weren’t monsters of rock then), Jax,FL. Played whole album then greatest hits.
- Funkadelic, 1970(?), Cowbarn, Miss.State U. one of the few white faces there. They were HEAVY.
- Stones, Exile tour, Tuscaloosa. Martha Reeves & Vandellas opened, then Stevie Wonder (4 mos prior to Talking Book). $7.50 admission.
- Pink Floyd, Dark Side, 2 mos after release (they weren’t monsters of rock then), Jax,FL. Played whole album then greatest hits.
- Funkadelic, 1970(?), Cowbarn, Miss.State U. one of the few white faces there. They were HEAVY.