The difference between FR/IKEDA and some other tonearms is Dynamic VTF, so the counterweight position is always at the balance point depending only on cartridge/headshell weight.
If you have small (stock) counterweight with lightweight cartridge and heavy shell (or with heavy cartridge) then a counterweight will be far away from the tonearm pivot (just like on these images from the web):

When I use my FR-64fx with optional W250 counterweight designed for FR-7 and SPU series, this is the right position (very close to the pivot) on my tonearm:

But with my long 66fx tonearm (and its heavy counterweight) the distance between the pivot and counterweight is bigger simply because the long armtube of the 66fx is much heavier than short 64fx. Tracking force generated by spring mechanism, not by the counterweight. The counterweight is at the balance point anyway: