
Can anyone tell me what I need in order to measure inpedance on my system? and how? Ohm meter?
I am biamping 2 nad2200 amps to a set of Paradigm monitor 11's V.3.

I want to make sure I am at 8 ohm coming to the speaker.
"I want to make sure I am at 8 ohm coming to the speaker." You can't because no normal amp is. Typically, the amp has a much lower output impedance than the rated load. Usually by a couple of orders of magnitude.

Now, if you meant to determine the load that the biamped speakers represent, you can estimate the LF load with a DC ohm-meter since it will measure a bit less than the AC impedance. For the HF load, however, there's undoubtedbly a DC block and you would have to get an AF signal and an AC meter, at the very least.

ok, I have the amp set to 8 ohm and the speakers are rated at 8 ohm, but does the fact that I have the Amp/speaker set up vertical(v/s active) biamping change the impedence v/s 1 amp run to both speakers?
I started this when Diewallen inquired about vertically biamping. My rhetorical question was basically "If you use one preamp output through a double terminated (split?) interconnect into multiple amp inputs duplicating the signal into both channels, does it change the impedance the preamp sees enough to affect the outcome?" I didn't know the answer, but thought it might.

David (Diewallen) is this correct, or are you asking something else?

Jim S.
I do not understand the question but I doubt if bi-amping changes any loads.
