Power cords come with a variety of physical attributes, but the single most important "spec" for a power cord is its gauge (AWG = American Wire Gauge) The lower the AWG number, the thicker the conductor. The thicker the conductor (other things being equal) the better the energy transfer.
The two components that generally require the most/best energy transfer capability (AWG = 10 or larger) are amplifiers and high capacity power processors, like your APS. There is one (counter-intuitive) exception and that is DACs. Although their power requirements are low, for some reason, they seem to perform best with 12 AWG or larger PC's. And of course, anything containing digital data circuits (switching, converting, volume control and processing) should have a shielded power cord to help keep it from broadcasting digital RFI into the air. Hopefully the digital component itself has filters to keep it from inserting digital noise ("hash") back into the power line.