Impressions of the BAT REX

Category: Preamps

I am starting this as a thread instead of a review in hopes others will contribute.
I thought some of you might like to have another take on the BAT REX preamp.
I do think that M. Fremer did a nice and accurate review of the preamp and would refer you to that review for consideration. I have been into this hobby for over 30 years but still do not do well with audiophile catch phrases so please take that into consideration. Of course, we all have our preferences and biases on our way to reproduced musical nirvana and so my listening observations will likewise be biased. I do not participate much but enjoy reading the threads on Audiogon. I admit to being taken aback sometimes when I see others giving dogmatic opinions, e.g. when I read a recent answer by someone I respect and enjoy reading who said that one (equally respected speaker as compared to another) was better “hands down”. Different, yes. Prefer one over another, yes. Hands down” or “no contest”….hmmmm.
So off of my soapbox and on to the REX. I do like BAT preamps and owned a VK51SE before the REX. I did like what the 51SE did in my system and could have continued on with it for many years. The REX, however, is a whole ‘nutter matter, altogether. There are some distinct family resemblances. The control module has the same menu and functions as the 51SE and the appearance is essentially the same- on the outside.
Both modules have nicely engineered fit and finish and give the distinct impression that great care was taken in both design and manufacture. To the sound:
My system is very resolving and sensitive to even minor changes in setup, positioning,
tweaks and equipment both upstream and downstream. With this in mind, the REX is without audible flaw to my ears. I guess I gush as much as others over equipment that produces the positive changes in music that I enjoy hearing and so consider me gushing.
The REX is very, very quiet and my speakers are 108dB efficient. It does dynamics exceptionally well and transient attacks are many times better than the 51SE and at times (good) scary, regardless the type of music. Bloom? in spades. Glare? nada. Soundstaging? top notch. My wife asked me to mute the sound more than once because she thought someone was in the room and she ain’t the paranoid type. Microdetails? hearing things that I would swear were not on the recording, and sorry that I had missed before although a lot credit has to go to the Raven TT and Air Tight PC-1 . Yet, it still comes through on CD’s. Too bright? no way. Evenly balanced across the spectrum? excellent. If there was a couple things that I would have enjoyed more about my 51SE is that it could have just a bit too much lower midrange/upper bass energy and perhaps a little too slow on transients and then release. Not with the REX. Bass authority? authoritative. Sheen over the treble? –No, “sheenless”. Dark? No way- my wife called the sound “rich” and that is her highest compliment and not “rich” as in too much chocolate icing. Pace, rhythm and timing? Now here is where the REX took a giant leap over the 51SE and is just world class IMHO. If it doesn’t have PRAT, I’m probably not going to like it. It does. This machine just got it all right by me. I considered several other preamps, whittled it down to three and bought the REX. Are there other world class preamps out there? Yes! Buyer’s remorse? None. The BAT guys got this one sooooo right. Bullseye. Are there any drawbacks from my perspective? Yes, they will probably come out with a REX II sometime –but I don’t know why. Oh, and a backlit remote would be nice. This one is a keeper. Disclosure: End user/audiophile/music lover only. No connection to any manufacturer.
Desalvo55 and Jfrech,
Thanks for your comments.
I listened to the Ref 3 and was also considering the Tron Syren but decided that I wanted a remote (can't be spilling the Martini on the way over to adjust the volume). I also listened to many other preamps but they were at RMAF and they were in unfamiliar systems, often poor rooms and show conditions and not in my system so not a fair comparison. I live in a city with no high end shops so it is difficult to audition equipment in situ. I have also heard the CJ and VTL preamps at length in very good systems and liked them both. I have not heard the Aestheix. In the end, to my ears, the REX brings out the best in my system like nothing else I have heard and may be the single best component I own (along with the Raven). It is not a subtle step up from the 51SE but rather a leap and is much faster, more dynamic, better PRAT, more detailed, luscious sounding and well balanced than the 51SE. Also better transient response with the 6C45 tubes. If you like the 51SE, you will love the REX. Each chassis gets about as warm or maybe a little cooler as the 51SE but they are both on top shelves so get plenty of air and are not too warm to touch. There are 18 tubes, 16 active at any given time so there is some warmth. My system is: TW Acustic Raven Two with Graham Phantom with Air Tight PC-1 and Ortofon 309S with Ortofon Rondo Bronze, WSS Kable Platin phono IC's, Tron Seven phono preamp with two sets of inputs and NOS Telefunkens, Audience Adept Response 12 power conditioner, Audiopax Mono 88's Mark II amps with Ruby and EH tubes, Ayre C5XE universal player, Cardas Golden Reference IC's, speaker cables, PC's and jumpers, Oyaide outlets, Elrod Sig 2 and 3 PC's, Grand Prix Audio Monaco stands and Avantgarde Duo Omega speakers with Grand Prix Apex footers. I also have three Avantgarde Solos and a Shunyata conditioner that I will eventually integrate into the system.
You would be welcome to hear the REX in our system but we are a good distance from TX and I am an Aggie alum!
Good luck with your search.
You must have been posting the same time as me.
I appreciate your comments and wholeheartedly agree. I had not thought about letting the units go au natural. I also think that you should have wriiten the review because your description is both eloquent and spot on.
Postive Feedback has a review of the VK-52SE online now. Compares it directly to the VK-51SE...
REX is an incredible preamplifier. It is absolutely transparent, very dynamic, completely silent and on top of all that - quite functional. It is very difficult to write about it, as it is simply doing everything right. As I am listening to my system with it I am discovering new aspects to the recordings that I've known for years, some even decades. Very worth the money, in my opinion.
The were few things in MFs review that I did not quite agree with, but then again we have very different goals. :)
Bill and Tom,

So how are your BAT REX preamps sounding? I am starting to get the itch. (Tom I know we talked when I tried) I think I am having a hard time moving away from BAT. I recently bought new speakers (Wilson Maxx 3) and they are easier to drive, I took a BAT 75SE amp out (was running 150SE's) and I seem to have plenty of power. The 150SE's sound a little better but I think I can get by. I am wondering if a REX + 75SE beats a 51SE + 150SE.
