Improvement in CD player transports

Have transports improved over the years the way DACs have? I have a Cary Audio Xciter DAC and have an Acurus CD player and a Music Hall CD 25.2. Not sure which to use as the transport. The Acurus is built like a tank and has the air constrained dampening, but the Music Hall is a lot more current component. Opinions are welcome. Rest of my system is on Audiogon. Upgraded to MartinLogan Electromotions and the PrimaLuna Dialogue 2 since it was posted. Thank you.
The Acurus could very well have the better transport and deliver sonics closer to your liking however the only concern I would have is its’ age. Often the 1st thing to go on a CD player is the transport or the pickup lens. 

Never thought CD players worked well as transports. Bought a 47 Labs Flatfish Transport and had a guy modify it with a super clock, BG caps in the internal power supply, and runs off a custom battery and cap bank power supply. Cost a bit but was worth every penny! This is the cleanest most analog sounding transport I have ever listened to. This transport elevates every dac it's hooked up to. It is amazing how much information there is on a 16:44 CD! 
Sadly though I will be listing it to pay for some medical bills.
Cest La Vie,
I rarely now use a cd transport, come to think of it, even less Bluray / sacds as well.  It has all gone to digital streaming.  Once, complex mechanical designs were necessary to read data off a disc to reduce jitter/noise but now that can be accomplished with burst reading, reclocking, and tcxo's with low phase noise such as the Crystek 957.  Take a look inside Parasound's latest cd player - Halo CD 1.  It is a computer with a small analog out section.